Sunday, 14 August 2011

Miner2D - Update!

V4.0 is here! I made a few updates and changes as follows

- Fixed Coal Issue
- More crafting
- Editable Textures (WIP)
- Rob's Blog

UPDATER DOES NOT WORK yet so don't use it.


Tutorial For Changing Textures!

1. Go into the data folder!

2. Create files called things like dirt.png or sand.png

3. Edit them but MAKE SURE THEY ARE 32x32 px SIZE!

4. Load the game and test if it worked!

(Only certain textures are editable)
- wood.png
- rock.png
- grass.png
- bark.png
- sand.png
- dirt.png
- leaves.png

Warning: There is a texture issue where the blocks are transparent in areas!
To REMOVE the textures simply delete them and the game will return to normal!